Life with a Big Question Mark !!!

[google-translator] Our life… I just finished watching Interstellar, a movie that made me think about our life and the world we live in. Two years ago, we thought sci-fi movies were just fiction, but now we’re living in a similar reality. The movie’s plot revolves around a virus that destroys crops, forcing people to grow…

Who is on Moon. Alien or !!!!

A viral video making the rounds on the Internet supposedly shows a humanoid figure walking along the surface of the moon.The strange shape can also be seen on Google Moon at 27°34’26.35″N 19°36’4.75″W. The YouTube video, from user Wowforreel, has been seen more than 2 million times in less than a month. Wowforreel said he…

What happens to your body when you fast?

Fasting from sunrise until sunset for 30 days certainly has a physical impact, but what really happens to your body when you fast? The Science Part with Video During a fast, your body generates its own energy by burning stored resources made from excess fats, carbohydrates and sugars to produce energy. The liver is the…

Blood Moon and End of the World

Mars, Earth, and the Sun all aligned last night, a rare ‘opposition of the planets’ that only happens once every 778 days.But what made this event so remarkable is that it occured precisely a week before everyone on earth will see the first of FOUR dark red ‘blood moons’, an extraordinary event some Christians believe…

3 rare Dinosaur Eggs Stolen from Dhar Museum

Three big dinosaur eggs of great scientific value have been stolen from National Dinosaur Fossil Park in Bagh area of Dhar district. The matter, which came to light on Saturday morning, was reported to Dhar police on Sunday afternoon after which a case of theft and trespass was lodged at Mandav police station under sections…

God I Want a Boy ! (How to Conceive a Male Baby)

I remember a particular neighbor of mine, many years ago, was trying to get a son and in that effort, produced 6 baby girls in a row. Fortunately, for the mother, who was tired of 6 continuous pregnancies, the seventh one was a baby boy. I remember because the celebrations in that house continued for…

Danger Asteroid may Blow Up Earth in 2032 August 26

Ukrainian astronomers claim giant asteroid could strike Earth in 2032 If it does, it would hit the planet with a force of 2,500 nuclear bombs But Nasa says it is 99.9984 per cent certain that it will miss Earth’s orbit It added that future observations may rule out the risk entirely   Ukrainian astronomers have…

Brain cleans itself during sleep : Experts

Washington: The brain cleans itself of toxic metabolic by-products while one is asleep and this cleansing could be the basic purpose behind the state of rest, say experts. The brain’s unique method of waste removal, dubbed the glymphatic system, is highly active during sleep, cleaning toxins responsible for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders, revealed…