Winamp shutting down after over 15 years

                      The famous media player Winamp will shut down next month, over 15 years after its initial release. Though Winamp eventually lost popularity, in the late ’90s and early 2000s it was one of the go-to media players for listening to local music or radio…

what happened to Rebecca Black?

Most of you will remember Rebecca Black for that annoying song that she released called Friday, which went on to take over the world and seemed to constantly be playing, no matter where you went. Rebecca was heavily criticised for the song and even more so for her following videos, which was very uncalled for.…

Oscar Award Winners 2013

Here is the complete winners list for the 2013 Academy Awards: * Winners Highlighted in Red Colour. Ang Lee’s ‘Life of Pi’ emerged the biggest winner of the night with four titles to its name – Best Direction, Best Original Score, Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects. ‘Argo’ and ‘Les Miserables’ followed with three Oscars…

Is Justin Bieber Twitter Hacked?

Justin Bieber’s tweets: missing in action No tweets from Bieber. 35 million fans shed a tear. Tim Haines · 2 hours ago ReplyRetweetFavorite did Justin Bieber block me I can’t see his tweets Haley · 3 hours ago ReplyRetweetFavorite Vivien N @Biebertoasterr Justin Bieber’s Twitter GOT HACKED? 3 hours ago ReplyRetweetFavorite Im dying…