Danger Asteroid may Blow Up Earth in 2032 August 26

Ukrainian astronomers claim giant asteroid could strike Earth in 2032 If it does, it would hit the planet with a force of 2,500 nuclear bombs But Nasa says it is 99.9984 per cent certain that it will miss Earth’s orbit It added that future observations may rule out the risk entirely   Ukrainian astronomers have…

Li-Fi to replace Wi-Fi in China?

Chinese scientists have successfully developed a new cheaper way of getting connected to internet by using signals sent through light bulbs instead of radio frequencies as in ‘Wi-Fi’, a move expected to radically change process of online connectivity. Four computers can be connected to internet through one- watt LED bulb using light as a carrier…

Brain cleans itself during sleep : Experts

Washington: The brain cleans itself of toxic metabolic by-products while one is asleep and this cleansing could be the basic purpose behind the state of rest, say experts. The brain’s unique method of waste removal, dubbed the glymphatic system, is highly active during sleep, cleaning toxins responsible for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders, revealed…

What Happened to Iran President Mahmoud AhamadInejad after he Left Office ?

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who left office earlier this year, has reportedly returned to his original profession of teaching.The former outspoken Iranian president now takes the bus to work where he teaches at the University of Science and Technology, according to independent outlet InSerbia News.    Ahmadinejad holds a Ph.D in engineering.The former Iranian…

what happened to Rebecca Black?

Most of you will remember Rebecca Black for that annoying song that she released called Friday, which went on to take over the world and seemed to constantly be playing, no matter where you went. Rebecca was heavily criticised for the song and even more so for her following videos, which was very uncalled for.…

Early modern humans arrived in Middle East 42,000 years ago

London: The earliest fully modern humans arrived in the Middle East around 42,000 years ago, a new study led by Oxford scientists has found. Researchers obtained the radiocarbon dates of marine shell beads found at Ksar Akil, a key archaeological site in Lebanon, which allowed them to calculate that the oldest human fossil from the…

How People can be so Cruel, World must know,Story of Dr Aafia Siddiqui

Two days Back I noticed this Post from Facebook. I checked whether this Story is true and Confirmed with Wikipedia information. Dr Aafia Siddiqui, A Pakistani PhD. Having 144 Honorary Degrees & Certificates, In Neurology, From Different Institutes Of The World, The Only Neurologist In The World Have The Honorary Ph.d From Harvard University, Hafiz-e Quraan,…

Dreams and Their Meanings

 Dreams and Their Meanings Human beings have been trying to figure out the meaning of their dreams probably for as long as humankind has existed. The need to make sense of our lives is as human as dreaming is, and dreaming represents an important part of our lives — we do it every single night!…

How to avoid Mobile Phone radiation – 13 Tips

Tips to avoid cell phone radiation     We cannot think a day with out Mobile Phone. Its became most important Part in our Life. So that its very important to give care while using Mobile Phone. The World Health Organization just re-labeled cell phones as “carcinogenic hazards,” meaning that they post a significant cancer…